Ongoing Giving

Your monthly or weekly giving will help sustain the ministries of St Luke Lutheran Church. Checks can be made payable to St Luke Lutheran Church and mailed to 1127 Olympia Avenue, Columbia SC 29201.

One Time Gift

Your one time gift will help with the ministries of St Luke Lutheran Church. Checks can be made payable to St Luke Lutheran Church and mailed to 1127 Olympia Avenue, Columbia SC 29201.

In-Kind Gifts

You can donate Food to our Food Pantry and Food Bag Ministry Coats, clothes, and socks to our Coat Drive Items for shoe boxes that go to Operation Christmas Child School supplies to our Back to School Drive

“Wonderful!” his master replied. “You are a good and faithful servant. I left you in charge of only a little, but now I will put you in charge of much more. Come and share in my happiness!” Matthew 25:21